Bell Group Winding Up Terminated

The Bell Group litigation was the subject of my first ever post to this blog back in June 2009. In September 2020, it was up to Master Sanderson to make orders terminating the winding up. I have set out the whole judgment in full below. It’s not very long. If...


In the early hours of 12 July 1979, Skylab (NASA’s first space station) fell out of orbit and crashed to earth. Although it scattered wreckage in an arc over the Indian Ocean parts of it came to rest at Balladonia in Western Australia. That would be Balladonia,...

Chat GPT and the keynote address

Chat GPT  was recently taken for a test run by Justice Leeming as he prepared his paper to present to the Aviation Law Association of Australia & NZ. In collaboration with his son, his Honour initially thought he would use it to find a title for his paper. Some of...

Master Sanderson

Master Sanderson was appointed to the Supreme Court of Western Australia in 1996. I have only just become aware (where have I been?) of his judicial sense of humour. For example in Christie v Christie [2016] WASC 45 (a family provision matter) he made this comment...

The Oral Judgment

Is it a motor accident (even a blameless one) if you are injured when you are thrown off your horse on a country road when a car passes by? The answer is important if you want to claim on the statutory insurance scheme. Unfortunately, the Court of Appeal found that...


Here’s an issue that doesn’t have to be grappled with very often: to what extent can a solicitor lawfully obstruct a police investigation? This issue arose in the context that a solicitor who acted for various members of the Rebels Motorcycle club, became...