If you don’t already know the meaning of “perspicuous” you will get the gist of it from the Court of Appeal judgment in JPQS P/L v Cosmarnan Constructions P/L & 3 Ors [2003] NSWCA 66. It appears that the late Meagher JA has managed to press the President’s button:

[7] MEAGHER JA: The appellant in this case is a quantity surveyor against whom his Honour Judge Rolfe awarded a verdict of some $665,025.00 in favour of the four respondents, who together constituted a joint venture engaged in the development of certain land said to be situated at Bossley Park (wherever that is).

[1] MASON P: I have had the benefit of reading in draft the reasons of Meagher JA.

[2] I also have the benefit of having access to a street directory. Accordingly, I do not share his Honour’s customary doubts about the location of well-known Sydney suburbs lying to the west of Darling Point which sit cheek by jowl with his Honour’s customary lack of doubts about most other matters. A useful resource for those who need to locate Bossley Park is http://www.travelmate.com.au. By clicking on “map maker” one can find easy ways of getting from, say Darling Point to that suburb. (http://www.nowwhereroute.com/travelmate/mapmaker/mappage.asp?Type=darling%20point-_nsw_bossley%20park_nsw.)

[3] Otherwise I agree with Meagher JA in the dismissal of this appeal, substantially for the reasons he gives.


[32] BEAZLEY JA: I agree with Meagher JA and the perspicuous remarks of Mason P.

Creative commons acknowledgment for the photograph.
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